You can contact us on the details above, or complete the fields below and click "send".
Personal details
NAME (required)
EMAIL (required)
Please complete the fields below and click Submit.
Company Name
Please identify the nature of your business(required)
Do you currently import products from New Zealand? (required)
Do you want to sign up to our newsletter? (required)
What products do you currently buy/sell?
Which country/s & region do you want to import NZ products to? (required)
What is the distribution process to the end user?
What is the size of the trading market?
Are you familiar with the importing requirements for the products?
Are you familiar with the labelling, packaging & language requirements for the importing country?
Any further information that will be helpful to us?
What products/services do you want to export? (required)
Are you currently exporting your products?
Are you export ready?
Do you need assistance to become export ready?
What markets are you currently exporting to?
What new export markets are you interested in?
Do you want to sign up to our newsletter?
38 Albert Street
Auckland Central 1010
(Corner of Albert and Swanson Streets)
The New Zealand Trade Centre is open from 9am to 5pm Mon-Fri.
We are closed on public holidays.
Phone: +64 9 929 1180
Fax: +64 9 369 5730
PO BOX 2108
Shortland Street
Auckland 1140
New Zealand