New Zealand Trade Centre

New Zealand Trade Centre is featured in NBR‘s Special Report
Welcome to the New Zealand Trade Centre
New Zealand Trade Centre is featured in NBR‘s Special Report

New Zealand Trade Centre is featured in The National Business Review (NBR) ‘s special report. The National Business Review (NBR) is New Zealand’s authority in breaking business news and analysis. In its special coverage E-commerce boom takes off by Nevil Gibson published on June 10, NZTC is addressed for its success in accommodating Chinese market’s e-commerce demand.e-commerce boom

Nevil wrote that: “ Among those taking advantage of such trends is the Auckland-based New Zealand Trade Centre (NZTC), which has made a procurement deal with the Bubugao group (BBG). It has more than 400 supermarkets and an expanding e-commerce business – – as well as the O2O life service platform. NZTC’s Wendy Mo says BBG aims to boost its turnover and profit through direct buying overseas and NZTC is the New Zealand product supplier for”

And “ She says NZTC provides services such as sourcing, quality control, supply chain arrangements, export documents and import requirements in China. ‘This is a one-stop shop for the supermarket trade there,’ she says. Products supplied include fresh fruit such as cherries, as well as honey, wine, juice, water, cracker biscuits, mussels and sheepmeat.”

NZTC enjoys equal page with leading Chinese enterprises BOC and ICBC.NZTC